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Shamiza Mohamed of Guyana, who's only 19 months old, has had a delicate operation on her eye, designed to save her sight, at the Hospital for Sick Chi(...)
Shamiza Mohamed of Guyana, who's only 19 months old, has had a delicate operation on her eye, designed to save her sight, at the Hospital for Sick Chi(...)

Shamiza Mohamed of Guyana, who's only 19 months old, has had a delicate operation on her eye, designed to save her sight, at the Hospital for Sick Chi(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Shamiza Mohamed of Guyana, who's only 19 months old, has had a delicate operation on her eye, designed to save her sight, at the Hospital for Sick Children. Doctors in England refused to operate because she's so young.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0026053F
Eye surgery