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Harness-racing fan Paula Garnsey met her husband, Glen, superstar of the sulky set, when she won a long shot exactor best at Vernon Downs racetract. T(...)
Harness-racing fan Paula Garnsey met her husband, Glen, superstar of the sulky set, when she won a long shot exactor best at Vernon Downs racetract. T(...)

Harness-racing fan Paula Garnsey met her husband, Glen, superstar of the sulky set, when she won a long shot exactor best at Vernon Downs racetract. T(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Harness-racing fan Paula Garnsey met her husband; Glen; superstar of the sulky set; when she won a long shot exactor best at Vernon Downs racetract. The Garnseys; shows with their daughter Valerie; 6; and stakes-winning 2-year-old filly Noble Florrie; travel the racing circuit continuously; prefer Toronto to New York.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0096111F