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Premier wood carver of the Quebec village of Saint-Jean Port Joli, Jean Julien Bourgault works on a bust while his granddaughter, Natalie, 7, watches.(...)
Premier wood carver of the Quebec village of Saint-Jean Port Joli, Jean Julien Bourgault works on a bust while his granddaughter, Natalie, 7, watches.(...)

Premier wood carver of the Quebec village of Saint-Jean Port Joli, Jean Julien Bourgault works on a bust while his granddaughter, Natalie, 7, watches.(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Premier wood carver of the Quebec village of Saint-Jean Port Joli; Jean Julien Bourgault works on a bust while his granddaughter; Natalie; 7; watches. At 62 he is the only survivor of three Bourgault brothers who established the wood carving industry back in the early 1930s.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0105831F