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Excuse me, there's an elephant in your trunk! His trunk raised in apparent greeting to drivers along the Trans canada Highway, Jumbo is heading west f(...)
Excuse me, there's an elephant in your trunk! His trunk raised in apparent greeting to drivers along the Trans canada Highway, Jumbo is heading west f(...)

Excuse me, there's an elephant in your trunk! His trunk raised in apparent greeting to drivers along the Trans canada Highway, Jumbo is heading west f(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Excuse me, there's an elephant in your trunk! His trunk raised in apparent greeting to drivers along the Trans canada Highway, Jumbo is heading west form Sussex, N.B., where he was sculpted from 40 tons of concrete, to St. Thomas, Ont., where he will take up permanent residence. The 16-foot high statue will become a memorial to P. T. Barnum's world-famous elecphat that was killed by a train nearly 100 years ago.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0108209F