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Studying the program is Patrick Hutchison, one of the 14-boy corps of pages which will serve MPPs during the current session. The boys get $5 a day, g(...)
Studying the program is Patrick Hutchison, one of the 14-boy corps of pages which will serve MPPs during the current session. The boys get $5 a day, g(...)

Studying the program is Patrick Hutchison, one of the 14-boy corps of pages which will serve MPPs during the current session. The boys get $5 a day, g(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Studying the program is Patrick Hutchison; one of the 14-boy corps of pages which will serve MPPs during the current session. The boys get $5 a day; go to school at Queen's Park for five hours a week.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0110506F