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Exterior view of three-storey brick structure with dormer windows and cornice trim.
Sir William Mulock house, Jarvis Street, northwest corner of Gloucester Street, Toronto, Ontario
Exterior view of three-storey brick structure with dormer windows and cornice trim.

Sir William Mulock house, Jarvis Street, northwest corner of Gloucester Street, Toronto, Ontario

Original Toronto Star caption: The Mulock home. The executors of the estate of the late Sir William Mulock have sold his former Jarvis St. residence to the Salvation Army. The Army, it is understood, will utilize the property as a home for girls. The purchase price is not disclosed. Located at 518 Jarvis St., the home has a frontage of 120 feet on Jarvis St. by a depth of 211 feet on Gloucester St. Of brick construction with extensive garage accommodation in the rear, the old home has many large, high rooms, and extensive modernization will likely be carried out by the purchasers to fit it for its new role. Famed for its hospitality in bygone days, the residence was one of the first private homes in the city to have electric light installed. During the late Sir William's lifetime it was visited by a great number of people, friends of Sir William in every walk of life.

Image published in Toronto Daily Star, 13 Apr 1945, page 2. 
GeographyCity, town, townshipToronto
GeographyNorth-south streetJarvis Street
GeographyProvince stateOntario
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberTSPA_0111137F