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Dame Dearlove's ditties for the nursery : so wonderfully contrived that they may be either sung or said by nurse or baby
Dame Dearlove's ditties for the nursery : so wonderfully contrived that they may be either sung or said by nurse or baby
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Dame Dearlove's ditties for the nursery : so wonderfully contrived that they may be either sung or said by nurse or baby

Dame Dearlove's ditties for the nursery : so wonderfully contrived that they may be either sung or said by nurse or baby. ''London : Printed by Samuel Bentley, Dorset Street, Fleet Street.''--colophon. ''The old woman and her cat'' illustration of an old woman riding a broom, p. [3]. Illustrated with 12 hand-coloured engravings and a t.p. vignette. Running title: Dame Dearlove's ditties.
Dimensions36 p.
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131039913397D
DeweyP DAM