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Toller Cranston, a magician who needs no tricks to dazzle people, returns Sunday with his second CBC Superspecial on ice. Joining this marvellous free(...)
Toller Cranston, a magician who needs no tricks to dazzle people, returns Sunday with his second CBC Superspecial on ice. Joining this marvellous free(...)

Toller Cranston, a magician who needs no tricks to dazzle people, returns Sunday with his second CBC Superspecial on ice. Joining this marvellous free(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Toller Cranston, a magician who needs no tricks to dazzle people, returns Sunday with his second CBC Superspecial on ice. Joining this marvellous free spirit on ice is a cast of stars to complement his artistry. Called Dream Weaver, the show, which start at 8 p.m. on Channel 5, includes singer Dan Hill, composer Andre Gagnon, blues artist Salome Bey, and Ice Capades star Jo Jo Starbuck. The music ranges from disco to Tchailkovsky.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0040768F