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The holiday spy
The holiday spy
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The holiday spy

The holiday spy : being the observations of little Tommy Thoughtful, on the different tempers, genius, and manners, of the young masters & misses in the several families which he visited, during his last breaking-up : to be continued occasionally for the entertainment of his school fellows. ''[Price One Penny, bound and gilt.]''--foot of t.-p. Bound in Dutch flowery paper covers. Caption and running title: The holiday spy, for little masters and misses. Illustrated with eight text engravings. Imperfect copy: frontispiece and upper cover are wanting. Possibly by Richard Johnson who, according to Margaret Weedon's Richard Johnson, ''delivered to Mrs. Newbery the copy of Holiday Anecdotes on Sept 26, 1780''. The t.-p. line-endings differ from those recorded by Roscoe, cited below.
Dimensions31 pages
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131053603098D