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Testamentetokak, Hiobib aglangit, Salomoblo imgerusersoanga tikkilugit
Testamentetokak, Hiobib aglangit, Salomoblo imgerusersoanga tikkilugit
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Testamentetokak, Hiobib aglangit, Salomoblo imgerusersoanga tikkilugit

Testamentetokak, Hiobib aglangit, Salomoblo imgerusersoanga tikkilugit. ''Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society in London, for the use of the Moravian mission in Labrador.''; Text entirely in Inuktitut, in roman script; ''The translation of Psalms and Proverbs is a revision of the translation made by J.L. Morhardt; Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon were translated by F. Erdmann''--Canadiana, 1867-1900.; Tranlsation runs from Job to the Song of Songs.; Bible. Hagiographa. Inuktitut. Morhardt-Erdmann. 1871
GeographyProvince stateNewfoundland and Labrador
Dimensions274 pages; 20 cm
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055495105D
Dewey223.05971 B37