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Scribner's lumber & log book
Scribner's lumber & log book
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Scribner's lumber & log book

Scribner's lumber & log book: for ship builders, boat builders, lumber merchants, farmers, and mechanics. Being a correct measurement of scantling, boards, plank, cubical contents of square and round timber, saw-logs by Doyle's rule; stave and heading bolts; wood, tables of wages, by the month, board or rent, by the week, or day, capacity of cisterns, interest tables, etc. by J. M. Scribner, A.M., author of ''Engineers'' and mechanics' companion, '' ''Engineers' table book, '' etc.. Last [2] pp. publisher's list; Revised, englarged and improved, by Daniel Marsh, Civil Engineer; pale blue hardcover with dark blue spine; top cover with label from Jas Hope & Co. Booksellers, Ottawa, Ontario.
Dimensions94, [2] pages; illustrations, tables; 13 cm
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055351910D
Dewey674.0212 S19 1881 BR