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A selection of some of the most interesting narratives, of outrages, committed by the Indians, in their wars, with the white people. Also, an account of their manners, customs, traditions, religious sentiments, mode of warfare, military tactics, discipline and encampments, treatment of prisoners, &c. which are better explained, and more minutely related, than has been heretofore done, by any other author on that subject. Many of the articles have never before appeared in print. The whole compiled from the best authorities
A selection of some of the most interesting narratives, of outrages, committed by the Indians, in their wars, with the white people. Also, an account of their manners, customs, traditions, religious sentiments, mode of warfare, military tactics, discipline and encampments, treatment of prisoners, &c. which are better explained, and more minutely related, than has been heretofore done, by any other author on that subject. Many of the articles have never before appeared in print. The whole compiled from the best authorities
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A selection of some of the most interesting narratives, of outrages, committed by the Indians, in their wars, with the white people. Also, an account of their manners, customs, traditions, religious sentiments, mode of warfare, military tactics, discipline and encampments, treatment of prisoners, &c. which are better explained, and more minutely related, than has been heretofore done, by any other author on that subject. Many of the articles have never before appeared in print. The whole compiled from the best authorities

Terminology Note
Toronto Public Library recognizes that the term "Indians," used in subject headings such as "Indians of North America", is offensive to many people. Although we currently maintain these headings to adhere to descriptive standards used by libraries worldwide, we and other Canadian libraries are working to replace them with ones that are acceptable to Indigenous Peoples in Canada. 
Dimensions2 volumes ([ii], x, 301, [1]; 357 pages); 19 cm
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055489264D
Dewey970.1 L59 BR V. 2