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An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada Setting forth the various remarkable occurrances, sore trails, and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure, to the time of their redemption
An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada Setting forth the various remarkable occurrances, sore trails, and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure, to the time of their redemption
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An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada Setting forth the various remarkable occurrances, sore trails, and wonderful deliverances which befel them after their departure, to the time of their redemption

Alternate Title
God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty, exemplified in the capacity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson.
The remarkable captivity of the wife and children of John Hanson
A new edition. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055376685D
Dewey Number970.1 H125 \B BR
City, town or township:Dover
Province or state:New Hampshire