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The detail and conduct of the American war
The detail and conduct of the American war
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The detail and conduct of the American war

The detail and conduct of the American war. under generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice Admiral Lord Howe: with a very full and correct state of the whole of the evidence, as given before a committee of the House of Commons: and the celebrated fugitive pieces, which are said to have given rise to that important enquiry. The whole exhibiting a circumstantial, connected and complete history of the real causes, rise, progress and present state of the American rebellion. Signatures: [A]2 B-Aa4 Bb2(-Bb2) First edition published in London in 1779 under title: A view of the evidence relative to the conduct of the American war.
GeographyCountryUnited States
Dimensions||20 cm. (8vo)||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055376131D
Dewey973.3 D265 BR