Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Vice-Admiralty at Halifax, in Nova Scotia, from the commencement of the war, in 1803, to the en(...)
Croke, Alexander, Sir, 1758-1842
J. Butterworth
Nova Scotia. Vice-Admiralty Court
Stewart, James, 1765-1830
NotesReports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Vice-Admiralty at Halifax, in Nova Scotia, from the commencement of the war, in 1803, to the end of the year 1813, in the time of Alexander Croke, LL. D., Judge of that Court. Armorial ex libris: Robert Saunders Dundas, 2d Viscount Melville. On spine: Stewart's reports. Vice Admiralty court, Halifax, N.S.
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131055311229D
Dewey347.71604 N595 BR