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Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower-Canada
Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower-Canada
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Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower-Canada

Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower-Canada. Errata list on p. [140]. Includes: ''Supplement to the Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower Canada, shewing the changes and additions consequent upon the acts passed in the sessions of 1843 and 1844-5, in the seventh and eighth years of Her Majesty's reign''. Published: Montreal : Printed by S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 1845. : p. [141]-175. Index to acts and ordinances of Lower Canada, 1777-1845.
Dimensions||25 cm.||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055423065D
Dewey Number2642476
Historical location:New France||Nouvelle-France
Province or state:Québec