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Appendix to the two statements on the part of the United States respecting the disputed points of boundary between the United States and Great Britain(...)
Appendix to the two statements on the part of the United States respecting the disputed points of boundary between the United States and Great Britain(...)
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Appendix to the two statements on the part of the United States respecting the disputed points of boundary between the United States and Great Britain(...)

Appendix to the two statements on the part of the United States respecting the disputed points of boundary between the United States and Great Britain : referred to His Majesty, the King of the Netherlands, for his decision thereon. ''Written and printed evidence adduced on the part of the United States.''--bottom of title page. Erratum--p. ix. Includes bibliographical references.
Dimensions|| 2 folded maps ;31 cm.||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055446744D
Dewey Number2795134
Province or state:New Brunswick||Maine