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An act for giving relief to such persons as have suffered in their rights and properties, during the late unhappy dissentions [sic] in America, in con(...)
An act for giving relief to such persons as have suffered in their rights and properties, during the late unhappy dissentions [sic] in America, in con(...)
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An act for giving relief to such persons as have suffered in their rights and properties, during the late unhappy dissentions [sic] in America, in con(...)

An act for giving relief to such persons as have suffered in their rights and properties, during the late unhappy dissentions [sic] in America, in consequence of their loyalty to His Majesty, and attachment to the British government ; for making compensation to persons who furnished provisions, or other necessary articles, to the army or navy in America during the war, or whose property was used, seized, or destroyed for the carrying on the publick [sic] service there; and also making compensation to such persons as have suffered in their properties, in consequence of the cession of the province of East Florida to the King of Spain. Caption title. At head of title: Anno tricesimo Georgii III. Regis. Printer from cover.
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055452635D
Dewey Number1639147