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Upper Canada. Return to addresses of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 8 & 21 May and 8 June 1838, --for, Copy of instructions to the Lieuten(...)
Upper Canada. Return to addresses of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 8 & 21 May and 8 June 1838, --for, Copy of instructions to the Lieuten(...)
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Upper Canada. Return to addresses of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 8 & 21 May and 8 June 1838, --for, Copy of instructions to the Lieuten(...)

Alternate Title
Papers relating to Upper Canada Copy of instructions to the Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, relative to proceedings against persons recently arrested in that province, &c
Papers relating to Upper Canada Copy of instructions to the Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, relative to proceedings against persons recently arrested in that province, &c.
Upper Canada. Return to addresses of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 8 & 21 May and 8 June 1838; --for, Copy of instructions to the Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, relative to proceedings against persons recently arrested in that province. Extract of a despatch from the Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, relative to the disposal of the prisoners convicted of treason in that province. Copies of the several acts of the Legislature of Upper Canada...for the preservation of the peace, and for the trial of persons charged with insurrection and revolt against the government of the Province, stating the dates on which the several bills received the Royal sanction. Colonial-Office, Downing-street, 20 June 1838. G. Grey. Numbered ''524''. ''(Mr. Hume)''.
Dimensions||33 cm.||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055377857D
Dewey Number551427
Historical location:Upper Canada, 1791 to 1841
Province or state:Ontario