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A journal of voyages and travels in the interiour of North America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of north latitude, extending from Montreal nearl(...)
A journal of voyages and travels in the interiour of North America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of north latitude, extending from Montreal nearl(...)
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A journal of voyages and travels in the interiour of North America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of north latitude, extending from Montreal nearl(...)

A journal of voyages and travels in the interiour of North America, between the 47th and 58th degrees of north latitude, extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean...including an account of the principal occurrences, during a residence of nineteen years, in different parts of the country, to which are added, a concise description of the face of the country, its inhabitants...and considerable specimens of the two languages, most extensively spoken
Terminology Note
Toronto Public Library recognizes that the term "Indians," used in subject headings such as "Indians of North America", is offensive to many people. Although we currently maintain these headings to adhere to descriptive standards used by libraries worldwide, we and other Canadian libraries are working to replace them with ones that are acceptable to Indigenous Peoples in Canada. 
GeographyRegion or DistrictNorthwest, Canadian
GeographyProvince stateNorthwest Territories
Dimensions||front. (port.), fold. map.||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055436364D
Dewey917.12 H13 BR