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Proceedings of the House of Assembly in the first session of the eighth provincial Parliament of Lower Canada on the state and progress of education a(...)
Proceedings of the House of Assembly in the first session of the eighth provincial Parliament of Lower Canada on the state and progress of education a(...)
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Proceedings of the House of Assembly in the first session of the eighth provincial Parliament of Lower Canada on the state and progress of education a(...)

Alternate Title
Proc?d?s de la Chambre d'assembl?e dans la premi?re session du huiti?me Parlement provincial du Bas-Canada sur l'?tat et les progr?s de l'?ducation r?sultant de l'Acte de la 41e. Geo. III. Chapitre dix-sept, qui pourvoit ? l'?tablissement d'?coles gratuites et ? l'avancement des sciences en cette province. Aussi un extrait du syst?me am?lior? d'?ducation Concise history of the free schools in England established upon the system of Joseph Lanacaster. Histoire abr?g?e des ?coles gratuites en Angleterre, ?tablies sur le plan de Joseph Lancaster.
Proc?d?s de la Chambre d'assembl?e dans la premi?re session du huiti?me Parlement provincial du Bas-Canada sur l'?tat et les progr?s de l'?ducation r?sultant de l'Acte de la 41e. Geo. III. Chapitre dix-sept, qui pourvoit ? l'?tablissement d'?coles gratuites et ? l'avancement des sciences en cette province. Aussi un extrait du syst?me am?lior? d'?ducation Concise history of the free schools in England established upon the system of Joseph Lanacaster. Histoire abr?g?e des ?coles gratuites en Angleterre, ?tablies sur le plan de Joseph Lancaster
Proceedings of the House of Assembly in the first session of the eighth provincial Parliament of Lower Canada on the state and progress of education as resulting from the Act of the 41st Geo. III, Chapter 17th, which provides for the establi[s]hment of free schools and the advancement of learning in this province. Also, an extract from the improved system of education. Added t.p. in French: ''Proc?d?s de la Chambre d'assembl?e... / par Joseph Lancaster''. - Qu?bec : Imprim?s ? la Nouvelle Imprimerie, no. 21, rue Buade 1815. ''A concise history of the free schools in England, established upon the system of Joseph Lancaster'' (p. [14]-25) also in French under title (p. [26]-29): Histoire abr?g?e des ?coles gratuites en Angleterre, ?tablies sur le plan de Joseph Lancaster. Text in English and French on opposite pages. References: Casey I 1011; Dionne I 118; Gagnon I 1933; TPL 1062.
Dimensions||ill. ;20 cm.||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055357479D
Dewey Number336.13 Q77.2
City, town or township:Québec
Province or state:Québec