Constitutions et règlements de l'Université Laval
Constitutions et règlements de l'Université Laval. Publi's par ordre du Conseil Universitaire. Casey: 3062. The library copy classed in 378.7144 F67 bound, subsequent to publication, with: R?ponse au factum intitul? ''Quelques remarques sur l'Universit?-Laval (novembre, 1872)''... / par la r?daction du Franc-parleur. Montr?al : Impr. ''le Franc-parleur'', 1872. Texts in French, with some English and Latin.
Dimensions||22 cm.||
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Call Number / Accession Number37131055326607D
Dewey Number1114166
City, town or township:Québec
Province or state:Québec
Approximately 1912
Approximately 1912
Approximately 1910
Approximately 1910
Approximately 1910
Approximately 1912
Approximately 1912
Approximately 1914
Approximately 1929
Approximately 1925