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Plain truth, addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled Common sense, wherein are shewn, that the scheme(...)
Plain truth, addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled Common sense, wherein are shewn, that the scheme(...)
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Plain truth, addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled Common sense, wherein are shewn, that the scheme(...)

Plain truth; addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled Common sense; wherein are shewn, that the scheme of independence is ruinous, delusive, and impracticable; that were the author's asseverations, respecting the power of America, as real as nugatory, reconciliation on liberal principles with Great Britain would be exalted policy; and that, circumstanced as we are, permanent liberty and true happiness can only be obtained by reconciliation with that kingdom
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055439632D
Dewey Number1612072