Information for intending emigrants of all classes to Upper Canada, designed principally for the small farmer, agricultural labourer, &c., but which w(...)
Canada Company
Thompson & co.'s steam printing establishment
Widder, Frederick, -1865
NotesInformation for intending emigrants of all classes to Upper Canada, designed principally for the small farmer, agricultural labourer, &c., but which will be found interesting to other classes possessed of capital or independent incomes, who may contemplate leaving the United Kingdom with their families.... The increasing inquiries made to the Canada company for information upon Upper Canada from various parts of the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany by intending emigrants have induced the company to arrange those questions, with their corresponding answers, and to print them in a form for general circulation.
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131055467047D
Dewey917.13 W37 BR