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Journal of an excursion to the United States and Canada in the year 1834, with hints to emigrants and a fair and impartial exposition of the advantages and disadvantages attending emigration
Journal of an excursion to the United States and Canada in the year 1834, with hints to emigrants and a fair and impartial exposition of the advantages and disadvantages attending emigration
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Journal of an excursion to the United States and Canada in the year 1834, with hints to emigrants and a fair and impartial exposition of the advantages and disadvantages attending emigration

Alternate Title
Citizen of Edinburgh
Citizen of Edinburgh.
Journal of an excursion to the United States and Canada in the year 1834, with hints to emigrants and a fair and impartial exposition of the advantages and disadvantages attending emigration
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131055383616D
Dewey Number917 J594 BR
City, town or township:Toronto
Province or state:Ontario||New York