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Fairy tales
Fairy tales
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Fairy tales

Fairy tales : selected from the best authors ... : in two volumes. Some of the stories appear to be taken from the Countess d'Aulnoy's Tales of the fairies''--Osborne, p. 40. ''Volume II was also published with the same plates under the title The palace of enchantment''--Osborne. Each volume has separate table of contents, ''directions for placing the cuts''. Engravings: frontispieces, illustrated plates. First published in 1788. Printing errors: volume 1 page 288 misnumbered 218; volume 2 page 110 misnumbered 10; 202 misnumbered 102; page 280 misnumbered 300. Publisher's advertisement: [2] pages at end of volume 2. Vol. 1: [8], 218, [i.e. 288] p., [3] leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece ; v. 2: [4], 282, [2] p., [3] leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece. Volume 1 includes half-title, introduction.
Dimensions288 p.
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131013241765D
DeweyFT FAI V1