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An allegorical illustration depicting a number of people fighting, with a lion in the foregroun…
British resentment or the French fairly coopt at Louisburg
An allegorical illustration depicting a number of people fighting, with a lion in the foreground.

British resentment or the French fairly coopt at Louisburg

Keyed in the plate, 1-12, referring to key, b. Inscribed in the plate, t.: BRITISH RESENTMENT or the FRENCH fairly COOPT at Louisbourg.; l.l.: L. Boitard Invt. et Delin.; l.c.: Publish'd according to Act of Parliament 25 Septr. 1755.; l.r.: J. June Sculp.; b. (key): 1 Britannia attending to the complaints of her injur'd Americans, receives them into her protection. 2 Neptune and Mars unite in their defence. / 3 The British Lion keeping his dominions under his paw, safe from invaders. 4 The British Arms eclipsing those of France. 5 A British / Sailor pointing to the eclipse, and leering at a French Politician trapt by his own Schemes. 6 An English Saylor encouraged by a Soldier, Squeezes / the Gallic Cock by the throat, and makes him disgorge the French usurpations in America. 7 A French Political Schemer beholds the operation with / grief and Confusion. 8 The English Rose erect, the French Lilly drooping. 9 A Gang of brave Saylors exulting at the Starving French coopt up. / 10 The French overset at the fall of Niagara. 11 Cromwells device. 12 A Monument due to real Merit.; l.r.: Printed for T. Bowles in Street Pauls Church Yard, and Jno. Bowles and Son, in Cornhil. British Museum Satires 3332.
Dimensions197 x 332; 254 x 346; 271 x 384 mm x mm
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberJRR 2444