Royal Black Lead
Dateearly 1900s
Sabiston Lithographic & Publishing co.
NotesColour trade card advertisement depicting an illustration of a woman cleaning the top of an iron stove while stating "O'Golley's don't it shine". Caption at the bottom states, "Royal Black Lead". Text on the back of the card states, "Tellier, Rothwell & Co. Montreal. Manufacturers of the celebrated ROYAL BLACK LEAD, Magic Self Shining, Sunbeam stove polish and Victoria Square laundry blue."
Dimensions13cm H x 8cm W
CollectionSpecial Collections in the Arts
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object NumberSAR-TC-205
approx 1878-1976
early 1900s
Approximately 1885
Approximately 1885
Approximately 1885
1880 circa
1900 circa
Approximately 1903
Approximately 1937
Between 1939 and 1945