The renowned history of Primrose Prettyface : who by her sweetness of temper and love of learning, was raised from being the daughter of a poor cottager, to great riches, and to the dignity of the lady of the manor : set forth for the benefit and imitation of those pretty little boys and girls, who by learning their books, and obliging mankind, would to beauty of body, add beauty of mind
Bewick, John, 1760-1795
T. Wilson and R. Spence
NotesAdorned with cuts by Bewick.
At foot of title-page: (Price sixpence.).
Bound in Dutch flowery boards.
Half-title on page [1]: The history of Primrose Prettyface.
Illustrations printed from the same blocks used in 1798 Millar [] ed.; attributed to John Bewick.
Pagination includes frontispiece (page [2]).
DimensionsCover size: 12 cm x 8 cm (4 3/4 in. x 3 1/8 in.)
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131048602312D
Catalogue Record for Print Book