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Star probe's Polish Orphan, Barbara Anne Czerwinski, 8, adopted from an orphanage in Poland with the help of Star Probe, eats her first hot dog since (...)
Star probe's Polish Orphan, Barbara Anne Czerwinski, 8, adopted from an orphanage in Poland with the help of Star Probe, eats her first hot dog since (...)

Star probe's Polish Orphan, Barbara Anne Czerwinski, 8, adopted from an orphanage in Poland with the help of Star Probe, eats her first hot dog since (...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Star probe's Polish Orphan; Barbara Anne Czerwinski; 8; adopted from an orphanage in Poland with the help of Star Probe; eats her first hot dog since joining her new parents; Maria and Stefan Czerwinski (right) of St. Clair Ave. E. They had tried unsuccessfully for two months to get a Canadian Visa to bring Anne here; Star Probe obtained one in a week.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0021447F