Inquiries of an emigrant, being the narrative of an English farmer from the year 1824 to 1830, during which period he traversed the United States of A(...)
Wilson, Effingham, 1783-1868
Pickering, Joseph
NotesInquiries of an emigrant; being the narrative of an English farmer from the year 1824 to 1830, during which period he traversed the United States of America and the British province of Canada, with a view to settle as an emigrant, containing observations on the manners, soil, climate and husbandry of the Americans, with estimates of outfit, charges of voyage and travelling expenses and a comparative statement of the advantages offered in the United States and Canada, thus enabling persons to form a judgment on the propriety of emigrating
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131055409825D
Dewey917.13 P367 BR