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Digital Archive Toronto Public Library Homepage
A map of the whole continent of America particularly shewing the British empire in the northern part of America with the divisions of the new governments since the accession of Canada and Florida
A map of the whole continent of America particularly shewing the British empire in the northern part of America with the divisions of the new governments since the accession of Canada and Florida

A map of the whole continent of America particularly shewing the British empire in the northern part of America with the divisions of the new governments since the accession of Canada and Florida

Includes chart showing division of countries between North and South America and the European country that has claimed them
GeographyGeographical FeaturePacific Ocean
GeographyRegion or DistrictCaribbean||Central America
GeographyCountryUnited States
Dimensions50 cm x 54 cm (19 11/16 in. x 21 1/4 in.)
ScaleEnglish statute miles
Scale69 4/25 to a degree
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number912-7-M124-MEDIUM
Dewey912.7 M124 (medium)